Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI) Project
―Towards the Promotion of Business Efforts on
"S (Social) aspect of ESG" and "Business and Human Rights."

Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP) of the University of Tokyo and Business and Human Rights Lawyers Network (BHR Lawyers) have started the Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI) project as a research project of RCSP.
“Human Security", which focuses on human freedoms and potentials of individuals, aims to promote the self-reliance of people and the sustainability of societies through the protection and empowerment of people. This concept also leads to the philosophy of "leaving no one behind" of the SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals).
From the perspective of "Human Security," this project will seek to reframe business initiatives on the "S (Social) aspect of ESG" and "Business and Human Rights".
We research the methodology and examples on how business can pay special attention to the human rights of socially vulnerable people, support them in strengthening their own capacities, and make social impacts through dialogues and collaboration with various stakeholders. We will also examine the possibility that such initiatives will enhance the integrity, resilience, and corporate value of companies.
Based on the studies, we plan to formulate the Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI) as an indicator for investors, consumers, and other stakeholders to proactively and objectively assess the above-mentioned business efforts related with the “S (Social)” aspect of ESG.
We hope that this project will promote companies and governments in Japan and Asia to proactively respect and support human rights and contribute to resolutions of social problems while complying with international norms. In implementing the projects including the formulation of the CHSI, we intend to collaborate with stakeholders in various sectors inside and outside Japan and Asia. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Re-framing business efforts on the "S (Social) aspect of ESG" and "Business and Human Rights" from the perspective of "Human Security".
Formulating Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI)
Leading Organizations
Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP) of the University of Tokyo
Conducting a research project "Study of Network Governance for Access to Justice in East Asia" (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) ).
Business and Human Rights Lawyers Network(BHR Lawyers)
Formulated "Engagement & Remedy Guidelines", "Japan COVID-19 & BHR Basic Action", and "Supply Chains Migrant Workers Guidelines" in collaboration with business, investors, civil society, and international organizations.
Published "SDGs and Japan: Human Security for Leaving No One Behind"(Edited and Authored by Yukio Takasu, Akashi Shoten, 2019)
For implementing the project, we plan to request various organizations for support and collaboration.
Advisory Group
We have set up an advisory group, which are comprised of members from business, investors, civil society, governments, international organizations, researchers, and experts for receiving advice and feedback in the formulation of CHSI.
Advisory Group Members include:
Ms. Yasuko Kono Director, Japan Consumers' Association
Mr. Tesuo Kondo Director, UNDP Representation Office in Japan
Mr. Hiroshi Sato Chief Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO
Mr. Masao Seki Professor, School of Business Administration at Meiji University / Senior Advisor on CSR, Sompo Japan
Ms. Miyuki Zeniya Head of Sustainable Finance, The Dai-ichi Life Insurance
Mr. Kazuo Tase President and CEO, SDG Partners / Co-Founder, UN Forum
Ms. Noriko Tokuda Director ESG Office, Japan Investment Advisers Association
Working Group
A variety of researchers and practitioners from different generations, who specialize in different fields including: human security; human rights; labor; investment; business management; and legal compliance, have got together to work on the project.

Akiko SATO
Attorney, Kotonoha Law Offices
Japan Programme Coordinator,
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre

Shinichi AGO
Professor of Law,
Ritsumeikan University
Kyoto Museum for World Peace

Katsuaki MANAKA
Responsible Investment Group
Tokio Marine Asset Management

Yasunobu SATO
Director of RSCP
The University of Tokyo

Assistant Professor
The Faculty of Global Studies
Reitaku University

Partner Attorney,
Shinwa Sohgoh Law Offices
Vice Chair, CSR Project Team,
Japan Federation of Bar Associations

ESG Analyst
Secretariat of CHSI Project,
RSCP, The University of Tokyo
Student Team
Students and alumni affiliated with the student group at the University Tokyo “UNION” are supporting case studies under the supervision of the Working Group.

Student Group at The University of Tokyo

Shoko Kitaoka
JD 2020, School of Law, The University of Tokyo

Senior, Faculty of Law, The University of Tokyo
Former leader of UNION

JD 2020, School of Law, The University of Tokyo

Sophomore, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Kenshi Hara
JD candidate, School of Law, The University of Tokyo

LLB 2018, Hitotsubashi University
We invited Prof. Masao Seki, who has been serving as chairs of the Task Force on Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Task Force on Business and Human Rights at the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), to present recent business initiative on SDGs and Business and Human Rights.
Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP) of the University of Tokyo
Prof. Yasunobu Sato and Ms. Ayaka Hirai
Business and Human Rights Lawyers Network
Attorney Daisuke Takahashi and Attorney Akiko Sato