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Engagement and Remedy Forum 2024​
for Responsible Business Conduct
(Part I)

Strengthening grievance mechanisms based on 
the revision of OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises


Date: Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 15:00-17:15 (JST)
Place: Zoom Online

Language: Japanese

Registration: Please register from here
Co-hosts: Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), Business and Human Rights Lawyers Network Japan (BHR Lawyers), and Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER)

In June 2023, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises were revised for further strengthening of grievance mechanisms for both businesses and governments. This particular aspect was emphasized during the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights' country visit to Japan in August of that year.

In this Forum, representatives from Japan’s National Contact Point (NCP), which provides assistance in resolving issues related to the OECD Guidelines, will deliver speeches on the Revisions of the OECD Guideline and Japan’s NCP initiatives. Additionally, JaCER, a corporate grievance mechanism platform, will report on business initiatives and challenges for operating operational level grievance mechanisms. Furthermore, experts from various sectors will provide comments and engage in discussions.


This Forum presents an opportunity for not only businesspersons but also government officials, civil society members, and experts interested in “Business and Human Rights” and Responsible Business Conduct to obtain meaningful information. We eagerly await your participation and registration.


 *The next Forum (2024 Part 2) plans to address grievance mechanisms for addressing systematic human rights issues in the Japanese entertainment and media industries, which have come to light in the wake of the Johnny's sex abuse scandal.

Tentative Program and Speakers

Opening Video Message

Mr. Nicolas Hachez, Head of Access to Remedy, OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct


Session 1: Government NCP Initiatives

Keynote Speech: "Revision of OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Japan's NCP Initiatives"

  • Ms. Mayumi Ishikawa, Director

  • Ms. Minako Kono, Deputy Director

OECD Division, International Economy Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


Session 2: Private Sector Initiatives

Keynote Speech: "Corporate Grievance Mechanisms: Initiatives and Challenges"

  • Mr. Sakon Kuramoto, Representative Director, JaCER

  • Mr. Akihiro Ueda, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, JaCER

(For both sessions)

Commentators / Panelists

  • Mr. Ryuichi Ikota, Director of International Policy Division, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC-RENGO)

  • Ms. Emi Sugawara, Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Osaka University of Economics and Law

  • Mr. Ryusuke Tanaka, Program Officer, International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Japan

  • Ms. Tomoko Hasegawa, Managing Director, Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)

  • Mr. Hideki Wakabayashi, Chair, Civil Society Platform on Business and Human Rights


  • Mr. Keiichi Ujiie, Deputy Director, Deputy Director-General

  • Mr. Daisuke Takahashi, Steering Committee Officer, BHR Lawyers / Representative Director, JaCER


* Co-host organizations will give opening and closing remarks.

Q&A session will be held at the end of the forum.

Forum Flyer


Address: C/O Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP), the University of Tokyo

3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-8902, JAPAN

〒153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1 東京大学 9号館304B 持続的平和研究センター気付

Tel: (+81)-3-5465-8842

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